So I've finally been blessed with the viewing of deathly hallows part 2. It happened on a fine day of September. Yes you heard me right (or read me right ). That's 2 months after the film was released in cinemas but the astonishing thing is not that I have seen it so late in time ( it definitely is) but that it's still on in the cinemas. May be it was all worth the wait as I watched the movie on the IMAX 3D screen. I don't think i could have been more closer to Hogwarts than this. I felt like I could actually touch Snape's face when he turns around in the starting scene. It was real, like we all always wanted it to be. However I am not here to promote IMAX cinemas, I am sure everyone has had the opportunity of paying a ridiculously high amount for watching a movie. I would have thrown a tantrum if I had to pay so much for a movie but not this one, because this was harry potter.
I don't think I've had goosebumps for more than 5 minutes at a time and how long was DH2 ? 2.5 hours ? I had goosebumps for 2.5 hours! No kidding !. I cried at few of the scenes, the part where Snape dies, Snape's and lily's scenes, the scenes with the resurrection stone, when harry goes to the forbidden forest and when the statues come alive. So yeah, almost the whole movie. I am sure I can go on and on about the movie forever but that would only appeal to "potter heads" as some might call us.
I don't think the casting directors could have chosen a better cast than this one. I sometimes feel that they are actually muggle alias's of the actual characters. I am sure they fell the same. I must add that I've never had a favourite villain before but that vacancy has now been taken by Bellatrix lestrange. I feel that no one could have done a better job being her than Helena Bohman carter.
On a more general note I'll like to add that it was an emotional experience for many of us as characters they've come to know, love and care about make their final ever exits. As much as we would hate to admit but this was the finish of an enchanting series. Even though the books have no comparison with the movies, harry potter movies aren't just movies, they are the most vivid visual illustrations of the books. I think it was a perfect conclusion to a decade long magical experience. But the magic isn't over, its far from over. We have seen them grow up in front of our very eyes while we grew up ourselves. I guess its safe to say that we owe the magic in our lives to J.K Rowling's for providing our feeble minds with a story so far beyond our imaginations. In many way Harry potter is not just a story, its a lesson about love, friendship, bravery, loyalty and chasing your dreams. You don't read Harry Potter to escape, you read Harry Potter to find your way. Even the quietest parts of the movie were highly captivating.
Even though I cried my heart out when Dumbledore died, when Sirius died, Fred died, dobby died, Remus and tonks died, I still admire Rowling's bravery for killing off character's so close to our hearts. After all this is the truth, all can't be survivors. You lose some to gain some more. I see this as a sign of marvellous writing because perfect endings are not always happy endings. I guess this was more of a review about the deathly hallows book than the movie but the point is that the movie was everything we would have wanted it to be or maybe more. I am sure J.K would agree with that.
In the first book Mr Olivander tells harry potter that "we can expect great things from you " and through the course of the series he has been proved rightly so.
I hope that when we die, we can create our ideal world. I am sure I'll be in Hogwarts because I want to be magical more than anything
This quotes isn't from Harry potter but I think it settles here nicely
"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it." Roald Dahl
I dread the day someone is hit with the idea of harry potter remakes
Much Love
Potter head Emily
P.s : I find it so awesome that the word "hogwarts" is part of MS word dictionary