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We're the Lakes, there is a story behind that and it will be revealed sooner or later but for now.. we're nice , a little crazy and lastminute.com .. with an exception of one .. but then even the "one" has moments

Friday, 14 May 2010

We're back...did you miss us?

Hey people, we feel like we’ve been neglecting our blog lately, so I thought I would accept the great responsibility and post something after all this time. We know no-one reads it but we don’t care; it’s the Lake’s diary of all the amazing times we have together, so when we’re all boring and grown up, with sensible lives and jobs, we can look back and be like...yeah, we were really THAT mental! As Emily likes to remind us, books can get lost, but the internet will last forever. So we’ve been away from civilisation (the internet) lately, doing disappointingly mundane things like attempting exam revision. I say attempting, as our so-called ‘attempt’ was 10 minutes of revision, half an hour of chatting, 10 more minutes of revision and then off to Starbucks for a 3 hour lunch break before we went straight home. Fun times!

Ooh, exciting news. We are so sad, and spend so much time in Starbucks that we have officially become regulars. Amanda went in the other day, and the guy behind the counter knew her order off by heart. How cool is that? The only thing is, now she’s scared to change her order in case she upsets him. If you spend 3 hours a day, 5 days a week in Starbucks, this could happen to you too. I mean, if you want it to. Because I feel it’s my duty to warn you that it’s kind of embarrassing when you sit there so long that the Starbucks workers leave for the evening before you do, which happens to us frequently. What can I say? We have no lives.

So we had our last exam today- we had to write 3 essays in 2 hours, and I managed 2 really rubbish ones. I’m quite proud really; I knew I wasn’t going to do great things with a total revision time of about 6 hours, but I think I’ve done enough to pass the year already, so fingers crossed. Hopefully the other Lakes will be ok too, although Kathleen always seems to pull amazing grades out of the bag when she swears that she doesn’t revise. I don’t know; I think we might be hanging out with the next Einstein if that’s the case. On the other hand I also worry that she may be a psycho, since on the day of our hardest exam she was reading a book for ‘fun’ called the Gift of Fear- which is the last thing I would want. I spend all my time trying to get rid of mine! The book is by a guy called Gavin de Becker if anyone wants to check it out, but I seriously don’t recommend it, even if it does give you some insight into the twisted workings of Kathleen's inner mind (a very scary place indeed).

That’s all I got for now, if I think of anything else I will keep you posted. Until then, I would like to leave you with this thought, which the Lakes have clearly been channelling for years anyway:

Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?”- Edgar Bergen


Lalita xxx

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