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We're the Lakes, there is a story behind that and it will be revealed sooner or later but for now.. we're nice , a little crazy and lastminute.com .. with an exception of one .. but then even the "one" has moments

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Déjà vu all over again

So this must be one of the weirdest things to write about but it was about to happen again, so i thought it must be worth mentioning. I admit i am the sane one out of the Lake family but i have often found myself in bizarre situation and a total wipe out of memory of how i got there, may be it has got something to do with the flaming scarlet cheeks distracting my attention and the fact that how i should get out of the situation without anyone noticing. trust me it has happened a lot of times, like the time I asked CG's name telling him its a part of a dare or the time when a guy was talking about shaving and he thought i was thinking about . .  (ewww too painful memory) and i didn't even know him (HUH). Or the time i found myself in men's toilet. Yes you heard me correct ! aah why am i even discussing this! its good that you don't know who I am. LOL.

Well it was an ordinary summer . .  wait winter . . or was it summer, i don't remember and who cares anyway its not like the weather effected my mental status or anything (well you can never be sure), anyway it was a day for sure. and the others left me behind  for some reason. Oh when i started wearing heels last year my walking pace kinda slowed down to crawling pace, or may be everyone else just walked really fast. but you should see my now, i can run while walking (is that even possible) well you should walk with me and before you know it you'll either be panting or begging me to stop, anyway back to the point (Gosh i get distracted so quickly )
So i was walking to find the others when i thought i should have a quick bathroom break. Now i don't actually remember what my creative mind was going through at that very moment because i don't remember the time between making my decision and actually going to the bathroom. when i get there it smelt bad OH My GOD !!! it was so bad that i  haven't even closed the door yet and i was dying or just fainting and i thank the GOD ALMIGHTY that i didn't close the door and instead decided that going was not that important. .  because the moment i stepped out that stupid man figure was staring at me from the door, and then i blacked out ! i only remember feeling hot as hell and running like a mad person .
 What got into me?, what actually happened? ! aaah  . I promised myself never to speak of it again and repress the memory completely until today when the same thing was about to happen again ! thank god this time i didn't just barge in and actually look at the door first. but what I am even more glad about is that the first time, there weren't actually guys in the toilet because that would  have been humiliating to such an extent that i would have considered suicide.
OH MY GOD I CANT BELIEVE I ACTUALLY TOLD EVERYTHING, so i think I'll press that publish button before i change my mind and never read this again

Much love
Emm xx
May you never see the days I have seen ( or the places) [God what if i walked in to a urinator ?]


  1. WOW!!
    ive never personally done that, but i know of a few people who have. Its a common mistake and its a nice thing to be able to laugh it off after the almight cringe!
    but take care next time

  2. Oh thank God ALMIGHTY that i wasn't the only idiot making that mistake ! but thanks xx I hope i never do
