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We're the Lakes, there is a story behind that and it will be revealed sooner or later but for now.. we're nice , a little crazy and lastminute.com .. with an exception of one .. but then even the "one" has moments

Saturday, 11 December 2010


Lovely readers, I am sure you will all be delighted to know that I am back from self-imposed blog...exile? Not sure if that’s precisely the right word to use, but I think it gets the idea across adequately. The idea that, according to some (Emily!), I have abandoned the blog to God and good nature for months on end while I was off doing my own thing. I feel like I have let my Lake’s down, so I have come back to ask for forgiveness and redeem myself, much like the prodigal sister (I’m using artistic license here). I can assure you however that I was not idle during my exile; so much has happened that I barely know where to begin, but the beginning’s probably the best place. Since my last blog way back in the day, I have started and finished a wonderful work placement working, essentially, as a teacher’s assistant. Not quite sure how it links to psychology as there seemed to be more cutting and sticking involved than analysing, but nevertheless it is an experience I would not trade for the world and will cherish forever. Therefore, as unlikely as it is that they will ever read it, I would like to say a huge thank you to the staff of North Primary School for being so warm and welcoming to a clueless psych student!

As Emily is also keen to point out, yes I missed the review day, but I can assure you all, including her, that I was genuinely ill. Would I lie to you? I wanted so badly to attend, not for any academic reason, but just so that I could see my Lake’s after such a long time. You see, the one unfortunate side effect of going on work placement is not getting to see your friends for months on end; far flung placement locations, bad working hours and sheer exhaustion will do it to the best of people. And as much as I hate to admit it, we’re not the best. As a result, I have been spending even more time than usual alone, reading, listening to music and spending far too much time on Facebook. Me, myself and i(Pod). One really is the loneliest number; if I wasn’t ill, I would have grabbed the chance to end my solitary confinement. And seriously, who would want to miss out on Starbucks and the coffee ‘song’? If you can call it that. To top it all off, I haven’t even bought any new shoes in the last six months and the fluffy Uggs that I wanted were sold out in my size. Really Selfridges, you have a shoe department with over 5,000 pairs of shoes, and yet you don’t have the one pair I want in a size 8? Come on! So even my poor feet are suffering, if you can imagine such a horror.

I realise that this hasn’t been the most exhilarating entry in blog history, but I’m out of practise; think of this as rehabilitation, and I promise that next time I’ll try not to bore you to sleep if you promise to come back and read my next attempt. Deal?

Before I go I’d like to share this quote with you. It’s kind of random, but then again so am I:

"Why are you weeping? Did you imagine that I was immortal?" Louis XIV (1638-1715)

I can’t remember where I read it or heard it originally, but it struck a chord with me. Apparently these were the last words of the French king when, while lying upon his death bed, he noticed that his attendants were crying over his imminent death. Think about it awhile and I think you’ll see what a beautiful, powerful message it is too.

And I’d like to share this with my Lake’s: I love you and miss you and can’t wait to see you again, sometime soon hopefully. I know we’ve all been busy, but it sucks.

"The most loneliest day of my life,
Such a lonely day
Shouldn't exist
It's a day that I'll never miss” System of a Down, ‘Lonely Day’

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