The following conversation has been carried out on the situation illustrated by the picture above
o Kathleen: it looks like a hold up lol, Amanda really wants lalita’s 'whale' lol and is not afraid to shoot :P for extra measure, Amanda has also kidnapped lalita’s dog!
Amanda: Ahhh this was when I was telling Lalita about the Spanish songs. But also yes, I have kidnapped her dog and will change his collar if they money is not with me by Wednesday
Emily changed his collar!! hahaha that’s hilarious !! i would seriously get scared by that threat
Amanda Oh yeah! Who wouldn’t? Without a collar = not the same dog anymore = original owner having no dog = depressed owner = more need of Psychologists. Maybe we should change it?
Emily so all of this is just to increase the need of psychologist!!Tut tut. I thought you would have a bigger motive
Kathleen what’s bigger than money ? lol!!
Amanda: bigger than money? More money: P and emily, more depressed owners = more people need treatment = more money xD
Emily so it’s like you have got it all planned out.. So you just act stupid!! HUH: P
Amanda Pretty much, yes. I mean when will our acting skills come in handy eh?
Emily we should have a part time business: D
Amanda Hey! If Psychology doesn’t work, we have a back up!
Emily we have so many backups in case psychology doesn't work
Amanda : Like?
Emily: A coffee shop, a shoe shop, a resturant, a pet shop, a band, broadway show !! yepp, we have thought about it all
Lalita Ok, I thought I had problems! Even I think that kidnapping dogs is a step too far, and I LOVE money: D
Emily oohh yaayy you are alive Lalita!
Lalita Yep, but my fone was being weird and not letting me get my fb messages, so I couldn't be bothered to go on my computer :D but I finally! Managed to fix the problem!
Emily what about your pc??
Lalita Couldn't be bothered to switch it on- its long. And I've got a sore throat :(
Lalita Not that it relates to my fone or pc, but I just thought everyone should know so they can feel sorry for me :D
Emily awww!! Lalita, it’s it the same metropolitan line cold!! Darn thing: P.. I hope you get well soon.. i guess you have forgotten the old dangerous train.. Better get used to it
- Losing a dog is the worst sadness known to library guy
- changing a dog's collar is the most dangerous threat known to man
- we have more backups than there are actual professions
- metropolitan line now causes sore throat and flu
something that relates to us in every way
"Conversation should touch everything, but should concentrate itself on nothing.”
Much love
The Lakes
Thank you very much for the tip. At least one of us is usually always ill, so that may come in handy!