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We're the Lakes, there is a story behind that and it will be revealed sooner or later but for now.. we're nice , a little crazy and lastminute.com .. with an exception of one .. but then even the "one" has moments

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Magic Tuesday

I believe that the world is all about balance, so when life piles on the suck, there’s usually something nice there to even things out a little bit. Yin and Yang, if you will, or if you won’t then: weeks and weekends, hot, stuffy weather and ice cream or sheer boredom and iPods. Life gives you the bad and there’s nothing you can do about it, but it usually gives you a spoonful of sugar to sweeten the deal (and rot your teeth), Mary Poppins style. Understand? Awesomeness, glad we’re on the same page now. This is why when we were cursed with a solid day of lectures and a 9am start, the day was made into Magic Tuesday to restore the balance of suckiness (yes this is a word now, deal with it). Sure, life could have given us a million pounds or no exams or an endless supply of shoes, but no, we got a magic day. You can’t eat it or wear it or spend it, but hey, it’s magic! In a way it’s cool, because some pretty wacky things have happened over the last couple of Tuesdays, and we’ll have the memories forever, or until we go senile and blind and can’t read the blog anymore. Oh, happy thoughts. Who would trade that in for an A* in Individual Differences? (Me.) Who would swap those precious memories for £500? (Me. I will. Hello, me over here. I’ll do it!) Who could bring themselves to surrender the magic for a pair of Marc Jacobs shoes? (Omg omg, pick me! HELLLOOO!!!! Ok, you’re not even listening are you, life-balancer person? If you are listening by any chance, I want the black ones with the snake heads on them. Size 8. Thanks a bunch. )

In all seriousness though, I probably wouldn’t trade these memories because they have been pretty fantastic. Case in point: yesterday was a Tuesday, the last Tuesday of term before revision, exams and general hell. More importantly, it was also the last Tuesday that the 3 year psychology students and the 4 year psychology students ever had a lecture together; i.e. the last Tuesday CG was ever going to be with us. Taking all these facts into account, we were expecting a miracle, and I’m pretty sure we got one. When I say ‘we’ I mean Emily and I, the believers. Kathleen doesn’t believe in anything but ham, and Amanda is too cynical, but for those of us who were actively looking for the Magic yesterday, we found it. On the way to the first lecture, CG (who you may recall from previous posts is very quiet, never seen wandering around campus and is apparently asocial) was standing slap bang outside the lecture centre chatting and laughing with some random guy. We don’t know who the random guy was, he’s not important, except to say that he definitely wasn’t a psychology student. Anyway, fast forward to the end of the lecture, and when we get downstairs, practically in the same place as the first time, CG was talking to another, different person in Greek (or Danish only if you’re Amanda!), his native language. Honestly, she makes the mind boggle sometimes! Seeing a person you don’t know talking to two other people you don’t know may not seem like much to you, and that’s fine, go and stand over by Kathleen and Amanda and talk about what noise the colour yellow would make if it was a sound. No, I’m not even joking. Sad, isn’t? See, I knew you’d want to stay with Emily and me and talk about this wonderful sight. Sure, we don’t know him and since we’re parting ways we never will. Alas, we staged our intervention too late in the day, but since our intervention was designed purely to make sure he wasn’t lonely, what we witnessed yesterday was...I don’t actually have the words to describe it, but it was amazing. Amanda thinks that we’re obsessed with him because he’s hot, and I’m not going to bother lying, it’s true. But at the same time, he is the most fascinating person I’ve ever come across, and I’m equally, if not more, obsessed with trying to figure out what the hell is going on in his head. How can one person be so solitary?

If you’ve read my Letter to CG in our other blog, you will know that he usually sits alone at the back, which is so sad that it kind of broke my heart. Maybe he genuinely likes being alone, but humans are inherently social creatures- we’re penguins, not polar bears- that I just fail to see how he could like it. But like they say, different strokes for different folks. However, last Tuesday morning he came into the morning lecture on time (a miracle in itself) and sat down 3 rows from the front next to Hair Guy (ask Kathleen about him, she’s the HG expert). Such is the magic of Tuesday. You don’t question it, you don’t argue with it, you just accept the awesomeness.

Slightly less awesome (read: awful!) but still pretty Tuesday-ish, a couple of weeks ago, while walking around Uxbridge with the Lakes, I was hijacked by a charity worker from CARE. Will Kofi please stand up and be named and shamed? The whole experience was pretty mortifying, as I spent about 20 minutes trying to get away from him while the other Lakes wandered off laughing. How does someone get asked to give £1 a week, say no, and ending up talking about face cream and going out for lunch? Such is my socially awkward life. Why does the ground never open up when you want it to? Stupid, sturdy infrastructure! After all that, of even going into the local T-Mobile shop and asking if I could change my number, he never even called. This is a good thing, trust me, but why waste my time, his time and more crucially his pen ink?

I’m sure there’s been loads more Tuesday magic, it is Magic Tuesday after all, and it would be kind of a misnomer if there wasn’t, but I’m constrained by a deadline and space (or as I like to call it, Emily). If I think of anything else crucial, I will be sure to edit, but for now, so long.

Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday,
Who could hang a name on you?
When you change with every new day,
Still gonna miss you...”- The Rolling Stones, 'Ruby Tuesday'

Love, Lalita xxx

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