When we started keeping this blog we didn't take an oath to write utterly pointless but bizarrely interesting stories about our daily lives, it just happened and there is no real reason why we never talk about serious stuff. There has been numerous times when I (Emily Lake! who else) was feeling below-recommended-excitement-level and was tempted to pollute this wonderful land of happy (crazy) bunnies but I realised that pollution is bad and bunnies are nice (except the one that bite you. Do they bite? I always have this fear that they will bite me. ). However today I feel like we should establish a new milestone in our crazy writer-crazy reader relationship. You'll probably laugh at this but hey! that's what you usually do when you read this blog anyway
So I recently lost my ring ( A real DIAMOND ring.) It was my grandmother's, it was older than I am. Almost double the age and plus some more years. It was her first ever ring and it was my mother's first ever ring and so it was my first ever too. But now I have lost it in the most unfortunate way and have taken away the happiness of the next generation. They will have scarred lives and traumatic childhoods because I lost the family ring. OK maybe it wont be this melancholic but it surely feels like this now. It just disappeared without saying goodbye or letting me know that it's parting ways. Maybe I wasn't a good enough owner or maybe (as Lalita suggests) it has embarked on a adventurous journey of self discovery and will return in about 2 weeks. But I am scared for it and sad. I feel like there should be background music and sad song in this situation like "all by myself" playing somewhere. Oh wait till it comes back, it will be in so much trouble
I haven't coped well with the loss. the ring wasn't very expensive but the sentimental value was humongous, well 45 years worth. Who can out do that ? I looked every where and asked every one but to no avail. I cried for 4 days (including today is 5) and stopped wearing make up( I am in mourning). Some people might think that this behaviour is immoderate and I would think so too when I look over this time in a few years (may be). The point is that some of us aren't the " what's done is done" or the " No point of worrying about it now" types and that's fine. My mother said to me just yesterday " just how will you cope with the loss of a human being if you are reacting like this to a loss of an object " (She is sad its gone but apparently not sad as me). I miss all the times I wore it and thought it made my fingers look longer. I am more sad about losing my grandma's ring than losing A ring.
Everyone registers things differently. So if you are the type who takes everything to heart then fine, do everything you want to do to make the time pass. Cry over things without thinking if they are too small or too big because it doesn't matter, You don't want to have mid life crises due to some repressed memory of losing your teddy bear or blanky. Trust me, I am a psychologist in making. And if you have friends as crazy as mine then they will cry with you, try to make you laugh using weird tactics or even help you find your ring in the dangerous and spiky bushes. And if you still don't find it then, well then the higher powers have higher plans that you are not supposed to know about.
without making this any longer than this has already become
“Change is never easy, you fight to hold on, and you fight to let go.” – The Wonder Years
Emily xx
p.s. um, I ...Shoot, there was something important but I can't remember now
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