It must be noted before i begin: This is not a verbal abuse to any of you readers, I'd never say that!
Amanda: Emms! You'll be pleased to know i've written in our book
Emily: You backward going freak!
Yes that's the loving response i received from our lovely Emms.
Hello guys!
I do apologise immensely for not posting in this blog for so long but as you may be aware from the other posts by Lalita and Emms, we've been on our placements. I managed to secure a place in a special needs primary school which i must say has been fantastic! Thankfully i managed to secure a paid job with them too, although it is as and when but hey, money is money eh? especially when you're a student!
So it's new years eve today and i'd love to wish all you readers the best of luck for 2011, i hope it goes fantastic my amigo's! :D (wow you can imagine how exciting my life must be if im posting on new years eve)
Before I leave you, just a final thought:
"For last years words belong to last years language and next years words await another voice" T.S. Eliot, A very smart man, lets just say.
But Amanda, you never quote serious things:
"As the wise stickmen say, dont be a fool, fool, have fun!" A stickman.
About Me
- The Lake's
- We're the Lakes, there is a story behind that and it will be revealed sooner or later but for now.. we're nice , a little crazy and .. with an exception of one .. but then even the "one" has moments
Friday, 31 December 2010
Sunday, 12 December 2010
Like L, Like E
I must say that Lalita's last post was the most heart rendering. I was very moved by all that she has said and I believe every word that she had said ( not that I ever not believe her). trust me if she hasn't bought a new shoes let alone shoe, its bad news and she might as well be dead or something ( i don't mean it literally) because if I know her, she can't got a day without buying shoes. this girl has like show for every piece of clothing she has and sometimes she has shoes but no clothes ( I made that part up but it could be true). and i really get what the quote was about, there might as well be no day at all if its going to be without my lakes. And I know we aren't immortal and its all going to end one day but it sure isn't any day soon. I am sure there must be someone in your lives too that is worth being immortal for. because other than that, its not really worth the pain ! Hey, i might as well go to heaven
"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art. like love It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival"
and here's something to my lakes
"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born"
because they mean the world to me
No that's only 2 more left, they'll come around
Much love
Emily xx
"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art. like love It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival"
and here's something to my lakes
"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born"
because they mean the world to me
No that's only 2 more left, they'll come around
Much love
Emily xx
Saturday, 11 December 2010
Lovely readers, I am sure you will all be delighted to know that I am back from self-imposed blog...exile? Not sure if that’s precisely the right word to use, but I think it gets the idea across adequately. The idea that, according to some (Emily!), I have abandoned the blog to God and good nature for months on end while I was off doing my own thing. I feel like I have let my Lake’s down, so I have come back to ask for forgiveness and redeem myself, much like the prodigal sister (I’m using artistic license here). I can assure you however that I was not idle during my exile; so much has happened that I barely know where to begin, but the beginning’s probably the best place. Since my last blog way back in the day, I have started and finished a wonderful work placement working, essentially, as a teacher’s assistant. Not quite sure how it links to psychology as there seemed to be more cutting and sticking involved than analysing, but nevertheless it is an experience I would not trade for the world and will cherish forever. Therefore, as unlikely as it is that they will ever read it, I would like to say a huge thank you to the staff of North Primary School for being so warm and welcoming to a clueless psych student!
As Emily is also keen to point out, yes I missed the review day, but I can assure you all, including her, that I was genuinely ill. Would I lie to you? I wanted so badly to attend, not for any academic reason, but just so that I could see my Lake’s after such a long time. You see, the one unfortunate side effect of going on work placement is not getting to see your friends for months on end; far flung placement locations, bad working hours and sheer exhaustion will do it to the best of people. And as much as I hate to admit it, we’re not the best. As a result, I have been spending even more time than usual alone, reading, listening to music and spending far too much time on Facebook. Me, myself and i(Pod). One really is the loneliest number; if I wasn’t ill, I would have grabbed the chance to end my solitary confinement. And seriously, who would want to miss out on Starbucks and the coffee ‘song’? If you can call it that. To top it all off, I haven’t even bought any new shoes in the last six months and the fluffy Uggs that I wanted were sold out in my size. Really Selfridges, you have a shoe department with over 5,000 pairs of shoes, and yet you don’t have the one pair I want in a size 8? Come on! So even my poor feet are suffering, if you can imagine such a horror.
I realise that this hasn’t been the most exhilarating entry in blog history, but I’m out of practise; think of this as rehabilitation, and I promise that next time I’ll try not to bore you to sleep if you promise to come back and read my next attempt. Deal?
Before I go I’d like to share this quote with you. It’s kind of random, but then again so am I:
"Why are you weeping? Did you imagine that I was immortal?" Louis XIV (1638-1715)
I can’t remember where I read it or heard it originally, but it struck a chord with me. Apparently these were the last words of the French king when, while lying upon his death bed, he noticed that his attendants were crying over his imminent death. Think about it awhile and I think you’ll see what a beautiful, powerful message it is too.
And I’d like to share this with my Lake’s: I love you and miss you and can’t wait to see you again, sometime soon hopefully. I know we’ve all been busy, but it sucks.
"The most loneliest day of my life,
Such a lonely day
Shouldn't exist
It's a day that I'll never miss” System of a Down, ‘Lonely Day’
As Emily is also keen to point out, yes I missed the review day, but I can assure you all, including her, that I was genuinely ill. Would I lie to you? I wanted so badly to attend, not for any academic reason, but just so that I could see my Lake’s after such a long time. You see, the one unfortunate side effect of going on work placement is not getting to see your friends for months on end; far flung placement locations, bad working hours and sheer exhaustion will do it to the best of people. And as much as I hate to admit it, we’re not the best. As a result, I have been spending even more time than usual alone, reading, listening to music and spending far too much time on Facebook. Me, myself and i(Pod). One really is the loneliest number; if I wasn’t ill, I would have grabbed the chance to end my solitary confinement. And seriously, who would want to miss out on Starbucks and the coffee ‘song’? If you can call it that. To top it all off, I haven’t even bought any new shoes in the last six months and the fluffy Uggs that I wanted were sold out in my size. Really Selfridges, you have a shoe department with over 5,000 pairs of shoes, and yet you don’t have the one pair I want in a size 8? Come on! So even my poor feet are suffering, if you can imagine such a horror.
I realise that this hasn’t been the most exhilarating entry in blog history, but I’m out of practise; think of this as rehabilitation, and I promise that next time I’ll try not to bore you to sleep if you promise to come back and read my next attempt. Deal?
Before I go I’d like to share this quote with you. It’s kind of random, but then again so am I:
"Why are you weeping? Did you imagine that I was immortal?" Louis XIV (1638-1715)
I can’t remember where I read it or heard it originally, but it struck a chord with me. Apparently these were the last words of the French king when, while lying upon his death bed, he noticed that his attendants were crying over his imminent death. Think about it awhile and I think you’ll see what a beautiful, powerful message it is too.
And I’d like to share this with my Lake’s: I love you and miss you and can’t wait to see you again, sometime soon hopefully. I know we’ve all been busy, but it sucks.
"The most loneliest day of my life,
Such a lonely day
Shouldn't exist
It's a day that I'll never miss” System of a Down, ‘Lonely Day’
Thursday, 9 December 2010
Review day, more like useless day I'd say*
Yesterday was review day at Brunel that we placement-ers were invited to by a very serious email that stated and i quote " Absence will be reported to your Work Tutor and may affect your assessment at the end of the placement". I took it as threat and decided to go more so because I have missed the lakes very much. Lalita, sadly could not make it due to a grave illness ( more like a cold, i think) but she was missed.
We met at Starbucks ( phhh, what did you expect). Amanda picked me up from the station . EDIT : i just finished writing the post and guess what, they directed me to the main page and nothing was saved so apologies if this turns out to be crap because now i am in a crappy mood.
so where was I.. mhmmm.. yes so station, yes Oh Man now i have to write that all over again , so Amanda picked me from the station but i acted lot like i was being picked up from an airport more so because i had totally forgotten how long it took me to get to brunel and how much it costed me. I ordered my first toffee nut latte and Amanda ordered her . . well lets say only God know the answer to that. we chatted a bit before Kathleen caught on. Group hug !! and a weird look from an elderly couple sitting behind us, you cant blame us, we were seeing each other after half a year. so more chatting and less breathing (we didn't want to waste time) and somehow during all this i had a surge to write a song and sing it. it could be due to the presence if a guitar. the song was indeed about coffee, and the others were less excited than i was, lets say they didn't share my enthusiasm for music. we made a song, a rather weird one, a rather, , , umm I'll just post the lyrics for you to decide. we didn't actually get around to sing it because time flew and because the others are hopeless. we walked to university rather than taking the bus because we hadn't talked enough ( so i felt). the programme itself was rather boring and useless but we did get coffee !! yaaay !
after we got away from the most boring thing ever, we were invited by a fellow friend (not a lake might I add) to cake and guess what COFFEE!! you'd think we cant have anymore but guess what we can and did ! she had entertainment for us, she played the guitar and SANG MY SONG ! wow finally but i didn't get to sing along:(. Amanda and I sang along to Gilmore girls theme song which everyone found creepy ( don't know why). finally we had to take off because it was getting dark ( nothing to do with us changing into mystical beings) just because we all live in far far away land.So that was our day **. I am trying to edit all the videos and works of secret cam that i captured, but that might take some time so don't stay up late.
Much love and some more
* wow it rhymes, may be it has something to do with my song writing skills, i knew i was bound to be a musician :D
**some stuff has been edited because there is a risk of evil1 reading this, not that I am scared or anything
Edit: here it is
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Déjà vu all over again
So this must be one of the weirdest things to write about but it was about to happen again, so i thought it must be worth mentioning. I admit i am the sane one out of the Lake family but i have often found myself in bizarre situation and a total wipe out of memory of how i got there, may be it has got something to do with the flaming scarlet cheeks distracting my attention and the fact that how i should get out of the situation without anyone noticing. trust me it has happened a lot of times, like the time I asked CG's name telling him its a part of a dare or the time when a guy was talking about shaving and he thought i was thinking about . . (ewww too painful memory) and i didn't even know him (HUH). Or the time i found myself in men's toilet. Yes you heard me correct ! aah why am i even discussing this! its good that you don't know who I am. LOL.
OH MY GOD I CANT BELIEVE I ACTUALLY TOLD EVERYTHING, so i think I'll press that publish button before i change my mind and never read this again
Well it was an ordinary summer . . wait winter . . or was it summer, i don't remember and who cares anyway its not like the weather effected my mental status or anything (well you can never be sure), anyway it was a day for sure. and the others left me behind for some reason. Oh when i started wearing heels last year my walking pace kinda slowed down to crawling pace, or may be everyone else just walked really fast. but you should see my now, i can run while walking (is that even possible) well you should walk with me and before you know it you'll either be panting or begging me to stop, anyway back to the point (Gosh i get distracted so quickly )
So i was walking to find the others when i thought i should have a quick bathroom break. Now i don't actually remember what my creative mind was going through at that very moment because i don't remember the time between making my decision and actually going to the bathroom. when i get there it smelt bad OH My GOD !!! it was so bad that i haven't even closed the door yet and i was dying or just fainting and i thank the GOD ALMIGHTY that i didn't close the door and instead decided that going was not that important. . because the moment i stepped out that stupid man figure was staring at me from the door, and then i blacked out ! i only remember feeling hot as hell and running like a mad person .
What got into me?, what actually happened? ! aaah . I promised myself never to speak of it again and repress the memory completely until today when the same thing was about to happen again ! thank god this time i didn't just barge in and actually look at the door first. but what I am even more glad about is that the first time, there weren't actually guys in the toilet because that would have been humiliating to such an extent that i would have considered suicide.
So i was walking to find the others when i thought i should have a quick bathroom break. Now i don't actually remember what my creative mind was going through at that very moment because i don't remember the time between making my decision and actually going to the bathroom. when i get there it smelt bad OH My GOD !!! it was so bad that i haven't even closed the door yet and i was dying or just fainting and i thank the GOD ALMIGHTY that i didn't close the door and instead decided that going was not that important. . because the moment i stepped out that stupid man figure was staring at me from the door, and then i blacked out ! i only remember feeling hot as hell and running like a mad person .
What got into me?, what actually happened? ! aaah . I promised myself never to speak of it again and repress the memory completely until today when the same thing was about to happen again ! thank god this time i didn't just barge in and actually look at the door first. but what I am even more glad about is that the first time, there weren't actually guys in the toilet because that would have been humiliating to such an extent that i would have considered suicide.

Much love
Emm xx
May you never see the days I have seen ( or the places) [God what if i walked in to a urinator ?]
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Accidental stumble or actual readers ?
Wow, second entry in two days. must be blog's lucky week. so what do the blog owe this pleasure to, yes me Emily Lake, today discovered (as much as i love discovering) that there is this stats section on the page which basically shows who or (what) is coming across this crazy page of madness and utter nothingness. i was so ecstatic to discover that we actually have some blessed people reading this (or just getting here accidentaly). surprisingly there were blog travellers from united states and Croatia (we are aiming high :D) and all this time I kept on thinking that this increasing page views was due to me who kept on logging in and logging out. we all know why we started this page, it was because Internet is forever and pages might die and memories might fade but words will remain for eternity ! and even though this wasn't specifically written to be read but its nice to be heard , oh come on you know i am right ! I am sure others will be happy to hear this too.
"Faith makes all things believable and love makes everything easy . "
Keep believing xx
"Faith makes all things believable and love makes everything easy . "
Keep believing xx
Saturday, 4 December 2010
Oh what the hell who cares
So think I have finally given up on the others to say a word or two, who cares right ! well i do but really there is no use. it has been snowing pretty stupidly (is that a word?) and now it has rained so everything is muddy and disgusting. aah mud, reminds me of some stories which shall be discussed in other contexts. i don't know why i started discussing the weather when this has got nothing to do with the weather. well anyhow, its nearly a month before university finally opens for us placement-ers and I for one cant wait. well i have missed some parts too badly much more than others. Did i mention that the lakes are going global :D, well almost, i took the liberty of making a YouTube account which still (sadly) remains empty. I'll try to upload stuff soon but i am not sure what i should, its not like we have very exciting lives like Alex day. i have been watching Alex day's videos for a few days now and all that he and his friends get up to and its pretty exciting. they have this band ( we cant have a band because Amanda is the only one who can play a guitar which goes to waste because she never plays) i am pretty sure you need to be able to play more stuff to be able to make a band (or do you?) . so it has gotten me thinking about all the cool stuff we can do apart from having constructive (???) conversation in Starbucks. we once watched twilight in the library, does that count ? we bought all this food to eat and smuggled it into the library and then ate it while secretly watching the movie (trust me it was hard my neck ached for a day after that) the movie was double the duration because we had to pause it every minute to see if someone was coming. some movie day it was. We are meeting up on the 8Th for this review day thing, hopefully we'll think of something "cool" to do. that's all (and much more) has been going on Emily's side of the lake (wow that sounds cool!!). so here's one of the video's that i came across and i think its rather inspirational
Much love from the very ambitious
Emily xx
(no quote today :P)
Much love from the very ambitious
Emily xx
(no quote today :P)
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